Plan a Staycation – Enjoy a Frugal Vacation at Home

in Trip Planning

Taking that fishing trip to Alaska or tour of the Greek Islands sound like wonderful ways to spend a few weeks, but if your wallet is bare you may need to curb your aspirations. If you’re desperate for a holiday but you don’t have the finances to fund it, a staycation may be the solution.

Staycation is the latest buzz word to describe playing tourist in your own town. The practice encourages you to forget the mounting piles of dishes and your regular responsibilities in favor of living it up in your community. And best of all, you needn’t worry about uncomfortable hostel beds or weak motel showers!

The key to a great staycation is to put yourself in the tourist mindset. There are bound to be tourist attractions you’ve never visited, parks you’ve never stopped to appreciate, and restaurants you’ve never frequented. When we’re caught up in the daily grind we forget all about the fun to be had in our own backyard.

Just like any tourist, you’ll get the most from your staycation when it’s researched. Visiting your local tourist information center and online travel guides can point you in the direction of attractions and events you might otherwise overlook.

As you’re playing tourist close to home, you can afford to leave your car in the driveway. You’ll certainly save on parking fees, you’ll burn some calories, and you’ll likely discover a few places you never knew existed. Those second-hand stores tucked away in alleys and small back street restaurants are the hidden gems that give cities their character.

piggy bank worldWhile you can discover the area on your own, don’t overlook local tours. You might feel like you know your local area, but guided tours offer more insight into a city’s history than most residents possess. Whether it’s a tour around a local museum, or a cruise around your city’s waterways, you’ll emerge with a fresh perspective on your community.

And while it might seem silly, don’t forget to take your camera along with you. A staycation is still a vacation after all, and you’ll still look back on your happy snaps with fondness!

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