Air Couriers Are A Great Way To Travel Cheaply

in Travel Jobs

Find out about becoming an Air Courier and save potentially hundreds on airfare.

Although traveling as an air courier isn’t as popular as it was before 9/11, and before the emergence of recent technologies, the practice is starting to make a comeback.

Air courier travel allows hundreds of travelers the luxury of cheap travel for the exchange of a simple errand: delivering a package. You see, packages or special baggage cannot be sent on a commercial flight unless it is accompanied with, or being carried by a passenger on the flight. Often times, businesses need to send priority packages, deliveries, merchandise and other important documents on a very strict time schedule. Additionally, the cost involved in mailing, freighting and using other sending methods is more expensive than the cost of a commercial airline flight. Air courier companies purchase coach class airfare tickets and then resell those tickets to air courier travelers at a discounted price. In exchange for the discounted airfare, travelers supplant their luggage space with the shipping materials or documents.

While travel discounts vary for air courier travelers and depend on several factors such as the timing of the ticket, most air courier travelers will receive 35%-50% discounts on commercial airfares. When companies are in a bind however, some travelers can receive discounts as high as 85% on ticket! This is an excellent way to cut down on travel costs and see the world. If you’re having a hard time booking airfare that fits your budget, then consider being an air courier. It represents a way to take advantage of some of the largest travel discounts available to travelers.

Air courier travelers will often find cheap flights to popular travel locations around the world. Cities such as London, Hong Kong, New York, Paris and even tropical countries like Greece, all have businesses that employ air courier companies to help them access and send documents. If you’re looking for a way to save money while traveling, consider looking into working for an air courier company.

Not only is air courier travel a good idea for vacations but, it is ideal for last minute travel deals because airfares are highest the closer they get to departure dates. Therefore, businesses are constantly looking for travelers who are leaving right away or at the last minute.

To make yourself the most ideal candidate for air courier travel keep in mind that your luggage space is often exchanged for the shipping materials. Thus, packing lightly is key for air courier travelers. Also, wanting to see the world is one thing and flying to the Caribbean during peak travel months is another. Air courier travel offers the best deals for cities known for high commerce and often the best travel discounts will be in flying to Copenhagen in the winter as opposed to Rome in the summer. That isn’t to say travel discounts to excellent vacation spots don’t exist, but air courier travel ultimately exists for the purpose of varying business exchanges.

For any traveler looking for a way to save on airfare, transporting documents for an air courier company should be a serious consideration. With airfare representing such a large portion of travel expenses, when you can save in this one area you can save a lot on the overall budget of your trip.

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