
While some people consider a vacation as a time to sit back and relax, others are using their vacation time to give back. Going on a volunteer vacation is an excellent way to see the world in a non-traditional way. Volunteer vacations are being set up all over the world through charity and volunteer organizations […]

Thousands of expatriates and hundreds of travel articles are buzzing about travel in Argentina. One of the world’s most culturally rich countries (with world famous wine and steak) has travelers in a tizzy over the activities and vacations available at a fraction of normal vacation costs. Because of the favorable exchange rate to the peso, […]

Looking for an amazing summer getaway? Well getaway from it all and travel to Hawaii’s Big Island for fun in the sun with all the adventure you can pack in. The Big Island has all sorts of adventures perfect for a summer with friends, family or just some alone time. If you’re looking for some […]

It’s hard to beat a summer working on a cruise ship. So why try? Working on a cruise ship might just be the perfect summer job. The cruise industry sees its highest occupancy during the summer. This is when the weather is nicest and when most people take their vacations. It is also when cruise […]

Adventure tourism is turning the lazy, luxury traveler into a thing of the past. Now you can 4X4 in a South American desert, rock climb, dog sled, dive into a cave with sharks swimming all around you, pet dolphins, hike or backpack national forests or photograph endangered species on an African safari. It seems that […]

Sure flying to Hawaii is nice, but what about enjoying the fresh ocean air, a view from every island and more adventure than you can pack into your traditional Hawaiian vacation? Right now, Norwegian Cruise Lines are offering extraordinary deals on cruises to and around the Hawaiian Islands. By promising passengers less time at sea […]

Traveling to Australia used to be synonymous with expensive tickets making family vacations or romantic getaways to the Outback a pretty expensive trip. But now you can fly to a variety of Australian cities on Qantas at a fraction of what it would have previously cost you. Once again, the economic downturn in vacation packages, […]

Some people consider the perfect vacation sipping martinis by the pool a few hours before their massage. However, a new breed of vacation is becoming more popular among backpackers and travelers. Adventure vacations are throwing the traditional vacation to the wayside and inventing an entirely new way to experience travel. Now, you can mountain climb, […]

Looking for a last minute spring break getaway to Mexico? Or are you thinking of planning your next Mexican vacation with family and friends? FrugalMonkey has all the insider information on where and how to book your last minute Mexican vacation. Right now on SunMex vacations there are an enormous number of vacation packages, hotel […]

Whether it be for work, pleasure or simply to say hello, keeping in touch while you travel is important to everyone. That’s why FrugalMonkey is here to share with you some tips and tools on how to keep in touch with your loved ones while you are living, working and traveling abroad. Even just a […]